Thursday, July 30, 2009

Born but to banquet, and to drain the bowl

I'll admit it, I do not think there is any chance that I will ever be a gourmet. I enjoy food a lot, for sure, and I think I even have a relatively aware sense of taste. The problem is that I am not nearly particular enough. I am too easy to please. A bad burger, is still a burger to me. I'll still eat it and be happy. I am not discriminatory in what I eat. I mean, one of my favorite meals is still corn dogs and french fries (or tater tots) (and covered in cheese). And while I am still weary of eating, say, ANYTHING listed here, doesn't mean I probably wouldn't try a bite or two. I'm a food slut, giving up taste space to anything that wants in. And I'll enjoy it.

And at the same time, as I am growing older, I find my fundamental preferences changing, in both broadening and narrowing aspects. I was quite particular about certain things, from hating mayonnaise on my sandwich to craving hot dogs. Now, if the waitress leaves a dab on my turkey club or only thai food is available, I just roll with it. At the same time, I can no longer eat an entire package of oreos in one sitting anymore nor do I quite enjoy pixie stix as much.

For the life of me, I still cannot appreciate a fine wine. But I can discern between at least 3 qualities of vodka. I prefer wheat beers and tend to avoid porters. But cannot enjoy a scotch older than me like I should.

We'll see where life takes me, but for now I think I am content enjoying the simple pleasures that foods give me, in any form.

Sorry Moliere, I live to eat.

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