Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fish Tacos. Alex Loves Them.

I'm sorry I don't have that much to provide in this update, since we last talked, I've fallen a touch ill. Not only has it left me exhausted all the time, I have had a distinct lack of appetite, so I've haven't taken advantage of revisiting my all of my favorite dining spots yet. I'll spare you the rest of the gory details.
I do have one thing to mention, an outing with friends to The Natural Cafe, mere days before I, gastronomically, came apart at the seams.

So I had yet to see my friends Dan DeMaria and Stuart, two of my oldest friends. We go all the way back to Elementary School together. MOUNTAIN VIEW CREW REPRESENT.

Anyways, we arranged to meet for lunch, Dan also getting the chance to introduce us to his girlfriend (who followed him here on break all the way from Toronto). We had originally planned to meet at our favorite place of all, The Habit, but because Dan's gal pal has certain dietary restrictions, we changed game plans. Don't worry though, I will certainly eat at my favorite burger place before I head back to NYC.

The Natural Cafe caters to the classic so cal-liberal stereotypes, the kinds of people Stuff White People Like makes fun of. There's plenty of vegetarian and vegan options, and everything has that fresh, healthy slant on it. And while it's typically not my scene, there is nothing inherently wrong with it.

I ordered the Cabo Fish Tacos, something I enjoy but rarely have in New York. While it was good here, the carrot adding a subtle sweetness that I was at first hesitant about, the fish lacked any pronounced flavor. At first I thought I was served the chicken by accident. A little disappointing, but the flavor and heat of the salsa made the meal palatable.

So maybe not the best place to eat but if avoiding red meat is your thing, it's worth a once over.

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